What is Qigong?
What is Qigong? Qigong (pronounced 'Chi Kung') is a powerful type of health exercise, which has been practiced for centuries in China. It is based on gentle movements that are specifically designed to benefit and balance health. Qigong enables the movement of Qi...
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is a hot topic these days as it becomes increasingly recognised as an effective way to reduce stress, deepen self-awareness, enhance emotional intelligence and effectively handle painful thoughts and feelings. So what is it? Here are some definitions - an...
What is T’ai-Chi?
Did you know thatT’ai-Chi Ch’uan translates as The Ultimate and Supreme Form of Boxing? A bit of a surprise to some – and this makes it clear that T’ai-Chi is a martial art. Most might think it is solely a meditation technique and a healing system, which it is, as is...
T’ai-Chi Ch’uan – The Ultimate and Supreme form of Boxing
T’ai-Chi Ch’uan, which can be translated as ‘The Ultimate, Supreme form of Boxing’, is a physical philosophy encompassing healing, meditation and self-defence. The movements of T’ai-Chi are practised slowly with attention to the posture, breath, balance and ease. The...
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Bewildered and Confused
Bewildered and Confused… Are you, like me, a bit bewildered and confused about what is happening now in our country? Watching the current dramas unfold and not knowing how things will play out can be beyond frustrating. It fair does your head in, doesn’t it? So I...
Wish to Get Away From It All?
Do you ever wish you were somewhere else? Somewhere peaceful? Undisturbed. Untouched. Away from it all. I know such a place. For many years I have been leading the Qigong & Meditation Retreat Week there. It is Holy Isle, which is off the coast of Arran, in the...
Dissolving The Glue
You know that thing when you try to peel a label off a jar and whatever you do: soak it, scrape it, scrub it, little lumpy gooey bits stubbornly stay glued. Then one day a friend shows you a simple way to remove a label. Once you know how it is easy-peasy. No more...
Busy Lazy
We all look for meaning in our lives, and at this time of the year we often resolve to commit to doing something about this wish. Yet our intentions so often get postponed because we are busy. These anonymous philosophical words sum up our tendency to get so, so busy...
A Priceless Gift to Yourself – and Others!
Happy New Year! Having relished a Christmas of gifts, happiness and goodwill to all, and I do hope this was your experience, we now move into that time of resolution-making for the coming year. Have you made yours yet? I have a suggestion for your resolution which is...
The Holy Isle Qigong & Meditation Retreat Week
Participants on the Qigong & Meditation Retreat Week are a mix of differing ages, abilities, nationalities and backgrounds: they include absolute beginners, experienced practitioners and some who return year after year for their annual Holy Isle top-up. Most...
Review of “Sleep” developed and spoken by Sue Weston
Does a good night’s sleep elude you as often as a winning lottery ticket? When I was asked to review this CD, I anticipated that it could be a challenge but I didn’t think it would be too hard to listen to someone else tell ‘other people’ how to relax and fall into...