Thursday Fortnightly Mindfulness Practice

6pm – 7pm GMT

  • Thursday 27th March
  • Thursday 10th April

Our fortnightly Mindfulness Prac19tice offers time together to refresh and deepen our peaceful practice, 6pm – 7pm GMT. Our hour together is for all to share a period of calm and reflection. These are led on rotation by regular practitioners and Sue and held remotely via Zoom. Contact Sue for the Zoom recurring login link to access all the sessions, or go to the Newsletter for the embedded Zoom link.

These sessions are free, and donations (suggested £5) offered are sent to a local charity of our choice..

This year we are supporting the Abergavenny Food Bank. Food poverty is prevalent everywhere and our donations will help alleviate some of this sometimes invisible suffering. Here is their kind response to a recent donation:

‘Please do convey our thanks to your group for their generous gift. We are very grateful for your kindness and support.   
During the last year we have faced significant challenges to our normal way of working alongside a huge increase in demand for our help. Referrals from agencies have risen by 50% and are predicted to rise even further as we face even more economic uncertainty with the continued lockdown and more people in our community face hardship and poverty. During the crisis, it has been wonderful to see an outpouring of support from across the community.  However when faced with shortages in specific items we are able to purchase stock and additional items such as towels, cutlery etc. as well as manage our regular outgoings through generous financial donations such as yours. Thank you once again  for your support for the work of the foodbank, helping people who are struggling at such a difficult time.’

Thursday Fordnightly Mindfulness Practice
Vince Watermelon

Watermelon Moon.Artist: Vincent Green