All CDs and DVDs are available as digital in a Memory Stick.
Please specify in email for Memory Stick or Sound File when ordering, otherwise CD or DVD will be posted.
& Relaxation CD, Memory Stick or Sound File
Three Guided Meditations to relax & awaken peace & loving kindness
£5 plus £1.50 p&p per order
Please specify with order if CD or Memory Stick is required
Sleep CD, Sound File or Memory Stick
Guided meditations that calm the mind and relax the body to promote regular refreshing sleep
Perfectly paced, soft gentle & encouraging voice. Very effective, thank you
£6 plus £1.50 p&p per order
Please specify with order if CD or Memory Stick is required
T’ai-ChiCh’uan DVD, Digital File or Memory Stick
65 chapters guiding the student through the Yang Style Short Form. Postures shown back and front.
£15 plus £1.50 p&p per order
Please specify with order if CD or Memory Stick is required
Short Qigong Practice DVD, Digital File or Memory Stick
This 20 minute sequence of Qigong Postures is a support for home practice.
£10 plus £1.50 p&p per order
Please specify with order if CD or Memory Stick is required
Wild Goose 1 DVD, Digital or Memory Stick
Qigong Instructor Sue Weston demonstrates and narrates the Wild Goose 1 form of Chinese Medical Qigong. Posture show back and front to guide the student.
£15 plus £1.50 p&p per order
Please specify with order if CD or Memory Stick is required
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