Wednesdays at Mill House Farm, 7pm – 8pm
T’ai-Chi Ch’uan, which can be translated as ‘The Ultimate, Supreme form of Boxing’, is a physical philosophy encompassing healing, meditation and self-defence.
The movements of T’ai-Chi are practised slowly with attention to the posture, breath, balance and ease. The body softens by releasing tension in the muscles and joints. This helps restore the natural self-healing systems that are often suppressed by stiffness and tightness that can build up through long-term mental and physical habits. Regular practice boosts the immune system, improves physical strength especially in the legs and back, and can help to reduce blood pressure.
T’ai-Chi is renowned for being a difficult form to learn but very rewarding once it is met with patience. Come along and try it, contact Sue for details of a taster session.
£12 for a taster session, £96 for a 12 week term.
Mill House Farm, Monmouth NP25 5HN
The Yang Style Short Form